Scrolling, swiping, streaming – if you find yourself in need of a smile, look no further. Most of us need a chuckle, smile or just a break from the day to day news coming at us. We’ve put together some #relatable stay at home and work from home memes.

  1. Whether you’re working, taking classes or helping someone else with their video conferences, we all feel a bit like the Brady Bunch right now…

Brady Bunch meme text "Team meetings this week gonna be like"

Image from Twitter.

Did you know you can customize your background on Zoom? Have fun and put your virtual self on the set of The Office, Hogwarts or even the beach! Zoom has instructions on how to change your background. Show off some Arlington pride and download a World of Wonderful inspired backgrounds.

Zoom background examples

Image from Twitter.

  1. For anyone working or learning from home, use this Bingo card to spice up your next conference call. Will your board be completely covered? Yes, absolutely.

Conference call bingo

Image from Twitter.

  1. We all need a break sometimes! Whether it’s from your kids, pets or significant other – we understand and we didn’t see anything. Watch the video on here on Instagram.

Hiding from kids

Image from Instagram.

  1. Kids, pets, spouses… If you don’t hear it happening, it’s not happening right? 

Man wearing two pairs of headphones

Image from Twitter.

  1. Anyone accepting transfer students? Ha, just kidding… mostly.

Work from home joke says "Homeschool Day 1: How do i get a kid transferred out of my class?

Image from Instagram.

  1. Need a new homeschool idea or arts and crafts project? Double whammy, free entertainment and some shut eye.

Work from home joke, says "Dad challenges kids to draw him sleeping so he can have a nap"

Image from Twitter.

  1. After just a few days at home, they all start run together. Is it Monday? Saturday? Who knows anymore!

Spiderman pointing, all the days look the same

Image from Twitter.

  1. Great tip for anyone working from home. C’mon, Cheryl! Don’t force us to tell HR…

Blame imaginary coworker joke

Image from Twitter.

  1. Surprise yourself by learning a new skill! Work hard… pet harder?

Working from home with dog, text says "Working from home means learning to type with one hand so I can pet my dogs with the other."

Image from Twitter.

  1. We’re not sure if pets make good coworkers, but at least they’re adorable when they ignore workplace boundaries.

Cat on laptop

Image from Twitter.


  1. It never hurts to recognize your employee’s hard work…

Bunny employee of the week

Image from Twitter.


  1. Hey, Office fans! Did you see that Jim (aka John Krasinski) started a YouTube channel called, Some Good News? Check out his video and make sure to have some tissues on hand.

Have you seen even funnier jokes circling social media? Let us know and drop a pic in the comments. Remember to keep it G-rated! Let’s stick together (while apart) and keep the encouragement and positivity going.

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