Animation of a family taking in the sights of Arlington, TX
Erinn Bryant
Erinn Bryant

Erinn Bryant is an artist, actor, and animal lover. She thrives on adventure, whether it be through travel or in a captivating novel. She is the mom of one daughter, two dogs, and a happy potbelly pig named Hamlet. Erinn is a native Texan and University of Arlington graduate who says that Texas is her forever home.

3 Ways to Get Your Farmer’s Market On in Arlington

How fresh do you like the food on your plate to be? The delicious crunch of vegetables that still snap when you break them in half, or the juicy sweet flavor of fruit that is ripe and glowing can be a satisfying experience. Farmers sell their produce and other items at Farmers Markets, so that you will get the farm to table experience. Here are 3…

3 Reasons to do Friday Night Football in Arlington

Arlington High Schools ramp up every fall for football games! Football in Arlington is more than the game, it’s the band, the crowds, and the school spirit. Whether you grew up in Arlington or not, going to a high school football game will get your blood running and push your excitement to the max. Get ready to cheer for the Alma Mater and sing…

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