Animation of a family taking in the sights of Arlington, TX

All-Star Week: Know Before You Go

Arlington, Texas is excited to welcome you to MLB All-Star Week! We’re so excited to celebrate The Summer Classic at the home of the 2023 World Champs! With five full days of events and entertainment, we’ve gathered some travel tips and tricks that will help make your All-Star experience a grand slam! The Early Bird Gets the Worm Be sure to have…


For the first time in franchise history, the TEXAS RANGERS ARE WORLD CHAMPS! THEY WENT AND TOOK IT, and Arlington is ready to celebrate! Here’s everything you need to know if you’re heading to The District for the parade. ***We will continue to update as more information becomes available.*** Parade route and map provided by City of Arlington…

Choctaw Stadium: Know Before You Go

Now home to not one, not two, but THREE sports teams, it’s probably a guarantee you’ll be headed to Choctaw Stadium for football, rugby or soccer at some point. And, you definitely don't want to get there and have to facepalm yourself. So, here are some tips before you get there: 1. It’s pay to park. Hit up Lots E and L (off of Road to Six…

More Things You Can Do