The Belcher’s are undertaking a road trip from their restaurant in Seymour’s Bay to have a summer adventure in Arlington, TX! Despite the high gas prices, it is still cheaper to drive in their station wagon to their hotel, the Thornton Inn Bed & Breakfast, in downtown Arlington than it is to fly. While the family will come together at night after a long day apart, each Belcher has planned for their own special day out in the town (which they need because it has been a LONG drive – there are only so many fart noises a person could take). Choose who you want to spend time with and follow along as they wander through different spaces and events that Arlington has to offer.
Bob Belcher has risen early this Saturday morning to ensure that he is ready to be the first one waiting in line for Hurtado’s BBQ. He has heard about their legendary smoker all the way in Seymour’s Bay (mostly from Mr. Fischoeder) and is dying to see it in person and taste the delicious, juicy meat that has been smoked to Texas perfection.
Linda Belcher loves mornings and turtles, so naturally she is at the River Legacy Nature Center, trying to catch a glimpse of the turtles that can be found there. Of course, she is not paying attention to any of the bikers or pedestrians on the path and everyone has learned to steer clear of the singing lady with the matching red glasses and sweater.
Tina Belcher has been waiting for this whole trip to go to Golden Gaits, where she plans to ride the horses off into a sunset like in one of her more... tasteful fanfictions. But she knows that she more likely going to have ground interaction with the horses – after all, she has all that experience grooming, picture taking, petting, and relaxing with Jericho and her Equestranaut dolls.
Gene Belcher woke up and wandered out to the Levitt Pavilion with his Casio SK-5 keyboard to write and record a song about Arlington. Settled under a tree, Gene picked up some juicy gossip that distracted him from his songwriting – that there is a ghost to be found at the Arlington Music Hall.
Louise Belcher started her late morning at the Parks Mall in Arlington. She wanted to scope out the Arlington children to determine how to establish herself as the dominant alpha. She will stop by the DAISO JAPAN store because Kuchi Kopi told her to and will try her hand at ice skating while she is there.
Wandering over to the Arlington Museum of Art with a full stomach, Bob is ready to soak in ideas for special burgers when he gets back to his restaurant. As a recently acquired Disney character himself, he knows that Disney is wildly popular and could generate new business for him back home to come up with themed Disney burgers (as long as he doesn’t use exact character names or branding, because Disney will sue him straight out of business) – another thing he can do now that Jimmy Pesto is out of the picture!
After a long morning on the trails, Linda is ready to start the real reason she agreed to this family vacation - The Arlington All-Star Craft Beer, Wine, and Cocktail Festival at Globe Life Field. Starting at 1 PM on Saturday July 30th, Linda has been waiting the whole week to get her wine on! She’s going to tell the other wine aficionados to quit being a Pinot Grouchio because raising her kids is a two-adult, two-bottle-of-wines-a-night job. And to anyone who says she is drunk, she has this iconic response:
After a long morning with the horses, Tina is on cloud nine and ready to scribble down new ideas for her fanfictions – but realized that she left her journals at home! Her next stop will be the Wild West Comics and Games – Arlington to pick up a themed notebook to fit her needs... and find horse memorabilia to mark her incredible adventure this morning!
After a sweaty songwriting session at Levitt Pavilion, Gene has made his way to find Fred the alleged ghost at Arlington Music Hall. To his surprise, he finds Donny Edwards rehearsing for his show instead! Convinced after watching Donny perform hit after hit of Elvis, Gene’s stomach grumbles and he hears a whisper from behind, inviting him to a meal at Babe’s Chicken Dinner House in a few hours. It’s Fred and he happens to be a HUGE Elvis fan who wants to watch the sound check before people fill his home for the evening show.
After establishing her dominance over the Arlington children, Louise convinces their parents to take her to Six Flags Over Texas with them. While she is denied entrance to the new Aquaman and limited time Texas Sky Screamer due to her height, she hears that the older siblings of the children she met will be going ghost hunting later that night at River Legacy Park. She makes the most of her time at Six Flags and devises a scheme for later that evening to teach the teenagers not to mess with her new minions friends.
Once Bob finished touring the Arlington Museum of Art’s Disney exhibition, he set out to find a burger place where he can eat and think about all the specials he wants to make when he arrives home from the family’s daycation trip. He landed at Airways Burgers, lured by the scent of open charcoal grill inside. There is nothing quite like an old school, charbroiled burger to get the mind racing! Hopefully, something from this trip will pop up on the old chalkboard for Teddy to try.
After having her fun at the Arlington All-Star Craft Beer, Wine, and Cocktail Festival at Globe Life Field, Linda is ready to have a hearty meal at Coker’s Bar-B-Q. She read that their smoked bologna was a must try and after finishing her delicious dinner, will head back to Thornton Inn Bed and Breakfast to see what the kids did today.
With her new collectible and journal from Wild West Comics and Games – Arlington in hand, Tina headed to the newly opened LOOK Dine-In Cinemas Arlington. She wanted to catch a recently released movie that would inspire the love interest for her story. Of course, the friendly staff member who served her dinner would make their way into the plot as well. Preferably riding the horse, of course.
Gene, Fred, and the Casio keyboard stealthily (mostly Fred) snuck out of Donny Edwards’ live rehearsal at the Arlington Music Hall and went to Babe’s Chicken Dinner House next door. Gene lost sight of Fred in between the petrified wood patio and the nine foot neon cowboy tossing a lariat display inside. Fred did pop back in after Gene was seated and continued to play his disappearing act when the waitstaff came over. After scarfing down the food, Fred made Gene promise to come back and play Arlington Music Hall when he made it big – because not all musicians can change peoples’ views on flatulence as easily as Gene did!
Louise made her way with her merry band of new friends to her final stop in a long day – around the site of the Screaming Bridge. She is determined to give the teenagers the scare of their life – but she cannot help but feel that she is being watched herself as she tries to find the best place to let out screams without being spotted right away. Perhaps she’s in for the scare of her life – but it would make a great story to tell the family when she gets back to the Thornton Inn Bed & Breakfast.
And there you have it. Did you enjoy your Belcher adventure? Mix and match the characters you want to hang out with throughout their stay in Arlington and tag us at your stops in town! Don’t forget to make up a song about your Arlington adventure – fart noises are requested, courtesy of Fred!